
We're a Green Company.

Our involvement in the "Green Company" project means our employees can get rid of small appliances and batteries in an ecological manner, substantially expanding our activities in safeguarding the natural environment.

The goal of the "Green Company" project is to safeguard the natural environment via the return and recycling of used appliances. These contain many hazardous substances such as mercury, lead, cadmium, brominated flame retardants and others. But they also contain many recyclable and reusable materials.

Used domestic appliances may be dropped off by employees using boxes located on the ground floor of the administrative building. Our company project also makes recycling of large electrical appliances used by the company possible.

By getting involved in the "Green Company" project, the company has demonstrated its ecological focus both for employees and the general public. It represents another step in our long-term goal of reducing the burden on the environment. It also allows us to offer employees a benefit by letting them recycle small domestic electrical appliances.

The project initiator was REMA System Corp., which provides organized pickup, classification, recycling and handling of electrical appliance waste throughout the Czech Republic.


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